Did you see the Black Friday crash coming? We did & you can too

Nov 26, 2021

I hate to say I told you so, but we've been on a strong downside divergence on SPY for days. This daily chart says it all. I've tweeted to my Big Game subscribers about the SPY puts that gained 10,000% on Monday November 22, 2021.

P.S. If you want these types of insight into the market BEFORE they happen there's a deal here for you!


The Options Hunter approach focuses on divergences between the MACD and the price action. We don’t employ other indicators such as RSI, Stochastics or Bollinger bands as we keep our approach simple, straightforward, and repeatable


What are Weekly Options and Why Do I use them.

Weekly options are a great way to make money, but it can also be incredibly volatile. Trading weekly should only really be considered for experienced traders who know what they're doing because there is no guarantee that any profits will even exist in the first place!

How do Weekly Options Differ from Monthly Options?

Weekly options and monthly options are similar—the primary difference between the two lies in the expiration dates. Monthly options expire every month on the third Friday of the month, whereas weekly options expire almost every Friday and are issued on Thursdays.

Traders who were previously limited to just 12 options expirations each year with monthly options can now capitalize up to 52 expirations by adding the tool of trading weekly options to their trading portfolio.

Weekly Options are More Cost-Effective than Monthly Options

Weekly options are the best way to invest in a stock when you need maximum profit within quick time periods. They provide guaranteed market moves that last only for max two days, which means there is no risk associated with these trades because traders can always sell them before their holding period expires and make back all their money plus some extra!

Weekly Options Listings Feature Popular Stocks and Indices

Weekly options are less expensive than shares of the stock and cheaper than standard monthly ones. This is because traders have only a couple days to wait for their underlying stocks price prediction before they expire, so there isn't time sensitive premium in play here with weekly option trades - though this does mean quick opportunities can present themselves more quickly at times! The increased volatility within your holding period also

Weekly Options Maximize Profit Potential

Weekly options allow traders to profit during any kind of market environment. The short-term nature of weekly options trades calls for efficiency in a fast-paced stock market that can be highly unpredictable for long-term investments. With weekly options trades, traders can benefit from buying cheaper options and then selling them for more than purchased within a short period of time.

Regardless of the price movement, it is always possible to see triple-digit returns with weekly options buying. Unlike stocks that only benefit investors if the stock price increases, weeklies let traders benefit regardless of the stock price direction.

P.S. If you want these types of insight into the market BEFORE they happen there's a deal here for you!



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