GS had decent daily divergences to the upside still on going

Uncategorized Nov 05, 2018

Some VXX downside divergence in latter part of Friday but not overly clear. GS had decent daily divergences to the upside still on going the XLF had a series of 60 minute divergences in play earlier in the week

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Mirror Mirror on the wall - sort of

Uncategorized Aug 13, 2018

In many of our nightly updates we talk about the inverse relationship between the VXX, an ETF proxy for the Volatility Index and the market proxy SPY. A divergent MACD up or down in either frequently coincide with the opposite divergence in the other. As you can see from this overlay chart, the two ticker do indeed inverse each other.

The hourly chart of SPY is overlaid with the hourly chart of VXX, notice the double top in VXX at the same time as the double bottom in SPY

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Volatility shouts out VXX – Forecasts the Move in Advance

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2018

Once again, the powerful strength

Daily VXX MACD has BEEN far ahead of the price(up divergence, hint hint)…… Great options trades!

Here was the first warning 1-12-18
Still not convinced? 
How about this chart of VXX on 1-23-18 
look where the MACD says the price should be
Do you see it now? 
By Friday 2-2-18 VXX was really flying
Here’s how you could have profited
VXX 35 calls expiring February 9, 2018
35c on 1-23-18  were $1.34 on 2-2-18
they closed on $20.80 on 2-5-18
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Alaskan Air Soars

Uncategorized Oct 24, 2017

Alaskan Air Soars
We were all watching ALK after Tuesday's class. The divergence was a classic setup on daily charts on September 21, 2017.


By September 25, 2017 things were moving and those OTM options were locking in great gains. The Options Hunter tweet again reiterating the strength in airlines.


It was September 27th and The Options Hunters tweet says it all


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We’ve been watching SPY MACD divergence since February

Uncategorized Sep 25, 2017

We’ve been watching the Weekly MACD Divergence on SPY setup for months. By mid-Feb the MACD was already signaling something was up. Then Mid-May SPY hit a new high, and where was the MACD? EVEN lower then the mid-Feb level. We played these divergences and we knew when the lower time frames started to diverged too, that the timing was right to make mega bucks in out of the money puts.

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Back to Basics

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2017

In this 90 minute video edited from a recent Options Hunter live webinar, Dale Wheatley takes us through a daily routine using mostly daily price charts.

He starts with major indices and ETFs then moves on to the Dow 30 stocks. When there are no patterns within the major markets or ETFs, there are often patterns in the Dow 30 stocks. These stocks represent a cross-section of industries and chart patterns can often set up in industries independent of the major markets.

He rejects charts that are not clearly distinguishable or have confusing patterns to focus in on clear patterns with divergences. Dale also provides an in-depth look at AAPL in June 2017 and potential trades that triggered.


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GILD 6-20-2017 anatomy of a divergence

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2017

A strong daily MACD divergence and with a triple bottom on GILD 6-20-2017 signaled a strong move to the upside. OTM options moved thousands of percent in 2 days.

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Bullish MACD Divergence on the 30 minute chart for IWM

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2017

Bullish MACD divergence occurred on the 30-minute chart on IWM.  Divergences occur in all timeframes and the decision to trade is based on the traders' Timeframe.

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A tweet is worth a thousand words These tweets on SPY were in real-time as the pattern setup

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2017

 1. At 10:24am subscribers received the first warning


2. At 10:39am subscribers received the second tweet highlighting the strengthening pattern and divergence

3. Here’s the 3 min divergence. Remember you first heard about this at 10:24am

4. The pressure of the MACD divergence forces the prices back up, as the MACD turns back up at around 10:34am that’s the time to buy OTM puts.

5. 200% in 9 minutes, remember that first tweet at 10:24am warning you this was coming? 

200% in 9 minutes trading SPY options. Find out how you can do this.

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Multiple Time Frame Confirmation is a the Key

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2017

I know you’ve heard the story before, but I wanted to make sure everyone understands how the MACD divergence works. If you’re going to trade the lower time frames, you know the 1 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute etc, you’ve gotta be there to see the setups and you MUST trade quickly. These setups don’t last very long. They can be huge and if the higher time frames all line up it can be even more powerful.

So if you were watching the lower time frames on the SPY toward the end of the day on Tuesday 2/28/2017 you’d have noticed this MACD divergence setting up on the 5 minute charts. The slope of the MACD shows us prices should be higher.


Within 15 minutes out of the money calls on SPY expiring March 3, 2017 would have netted you a nice gain. You could have exited the trade just before the end of the day and walked away. But if you’d held these options overnight…….

The Trump effect? Probably. The out of the money options from the...

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