1000% Return on WMT Calls

macd macd diveregnce Mar 19, 2020
The Options Hunter Tweet summed up
todays action on Walmart
Check out these 1000% gainers in one day
on March 20 WMT options
Monday's hourly chart on WMT with 
strong upside divergence on MACD
indicating prices should be at $109 or higher
Wednesday's hourly chart on WMT with 
MACD divergence prices exceeded $109 by a tad 
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The daily and hour chart of VXX were the catalyst to turn the markets down on FEBRUARY 19!!

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2020
The daily and hour chart of VXX were the catalyst to turn the markets down on FEBRUARY 19!! When markets were at stellar highs.
Daily Chart of VXX with MACD divergence up February 19, 2020
Hourly Chart of VXX with MACD divergence up February 19, 2020
Most of the indexes were at or near all-time high as well as most leading components such as AAPL, AMZN & MSFT.
It is really just “fear” of the unknown! It PAYS to understand VOLATILITY if you plan on making any money trading in the market options!! Volatility on February 19, 2020 the MACD shows us the level should be much higher.
So what did MACD say about SPY on February 19, 2020?
Daily Chart of SPY with MACD divergence down February 19, 2020
Note how the price peak was actually higher than before on Feb 19, but MACD top was much lower,...
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2019 - MACD divergences - XOP

Uncategorized Dec 31, 2019

XOP weekly upside divergence on MACD setup with a triple bottom and MACD diverging up.

XOP 23 calls that expired December 27 2019 went from a low of $.05 on December 5, to around $1 on December 26, that 21 days and 2,000%!!

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Private Coaching Join me for one-on-one sessions in person

Uncategorized Dec 31, 2019

Limited openings available January and February 2020

As your Coach, I fit the training to your needs

  • I’ll show you how to find setups you can trade easily and with total confidence.

  • Get the EDGE that everyone is looking for. 

  • Ready to start winning? I'm here to help you take control of your destiny and achieve trading success

  • Whether you want to trade options like a day trader, swing trader, or longer term I can show you how to trade using the MACD divergence and chart patterns.

 ***** Get 5 hours for the price of 4 *****



Dale Wheatley

Founder, The Options Hunter

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Nice doubletop and downside divergence on XLP daily charts

Nice doubletop and downside divergence on XLP daily charts picked up some Oct 11 60.5 puts for 21 c MACD says price sb around $60 or below. Oct 1 bid/ask spread .27 .28 so looking good so far. Oct 2 looks like this has hit a bottom and bouncing some, im exiting at .57c 250% gain. gotta love options.
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Nice topping pattern on UPS with MACD down

Uncategorized Oct 16, 2019

Aug 30, Nice topping pattern formid on UPS with downside MACD divergence that said prices should be around $115. this slower mover meant the best pick was sept 6 117 puts at 69c. Sep 3 took some off the the table at 85% gain let the rest go a bit more: took the rest off too for 85% gain. things may go lower but its a short week and these expire in 3 days

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Bearish Divergence + DoubleTop on HD Where Doers get More Done

HD was looking quite extended with double top in place, MACD says price should be around $212, took some August 30 210 puts at 30c. Aug 23 p 150% on this one so far watching this closely and got out at 60c as its stalled some, a nice 100% gain.
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Visa close to a doubletop and MACD divergence down


Visa close to a doubletop and MACD divergence down on Aug 22, 2019. We watched the price action and picked up some Aug 30 170 puts for 25c, Aug 23 took less than a day to pan out we bailed at 1.11 for over 400% gain. Further OTM options would have yielded even more gains.

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MACD Divergences and Double tops and bottoms. Just work together.

divergence macd Aug 09, 2019

Some stocks seem to have a knack for MACD divergences and double tops and bottoms. Boeing is just such a stock. In this video we explore the last 10 months daily price action on Boeing and look at the effectiveness of the Options Hunter strategy. 

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John Deer DE double top and MACD divergence 700% +

Uncategorized Aug 07, 2019
Interesting chart on DE on July 26, 2019. it had been toying with the top at around $170 for a while and pushing up to it again. The MACD shows we should be down around $165. Not a big move down, bu the Aug 9 expiration 165 puts are at under a dollar so we'll grab a few for a pullback next week.. We took some off the table Aug 1 up about 75% on this trade. Aug 2 closed the remainder at  $7.73 and we are up 700% . Up at $14 today Aug 7, market conditions with the trade war hit DE really hard so not surprising. OTM 150 and 152.5 puts under a dime in July gained even more.
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